One of the most common challenges I am frequently contacted about is how to communicate to our autistic children's educators how and why they'll often behave and present differently across the school and home environments.
And it's a tricky one, isn't it?
I've been an educator across the early childhood, primary and secondary classroom environments and had first hand experience of wondering if what a parent is telling me about their child's struggles are in fact, true.
Wait. Don't hate me yet.
It wasn't that I wanted to doubt them, but I just wasn't seeing what they were telling me went on at home, in my classroom.
And without adequate training on autism in the classroom (even though I actually received a lot of professional development in this area as a classroom teacher), I just couldn't have known what was actually going on.
I even practiced as a behavioural and family specialist and often struggled to even recognise autism at all in many children who had been diagnosed.
It just wasn't as obvious as I'd learnt it should be.
Ten years on, four autistic children and my own autism diagnosis later (yes, really), I've now had the first hand experience of having to convince an educator that whilst my child doesn't 'appear' anxious at school, she really, really is.
I'm now armed with the lived experience to share with you the whys and how's of autistic children presenting differently across environments,
..beginning with the classroom environment.
Learn more about how and why autistic children present differently across the home and classroom environments, and how to provide support across the school day.
What you'll get:
- Downloadable 48 minute video presentation for unlimited viewing
- Downloadable pdf of presentation
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