How to talk to demand avoid children (in respectful and collaborative ways)
Are you raising a wonderful little person who is extremely anxious, or really struggles to comply with everyday instructions or directions?
Are they set on doing things their way and resistant to your input?
Is their tolerance for stress quite low, and you're often exploring new ways to word things or reframe your language in order to support them to carry out tasks and hobbies?
For me personally, the answer to all of the above questions is a resounding YES, YES, and YES.
If you find yourself saying YES too, our training "How to talk to demand avoidant children (in respectful and collaborative ways)" will help you to understand what those triggers are that are creating resistance in your children and preventing them from moving forward in their daily lives.
We're going to share some more respectful and collaborative approaches in communication with your child that will support both your child and YOU.