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The humour in the darkness Apr 27, 2020

Yesterday, one of my closest and dearest friends panicked and cried as the result of my dry, expressionless, monotone humour.
We moved through it together, it was cleared up and we still love each other.
But, it reminded me of the many times this has happened throughout my life.
When I was...

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'Untouchable' love Apr 27, 2020

I remember when I first found the courage to ask Mum if I absolutely HAD to kiss and hug every relative I was never able to recall that was visiting for the weekend.


I really wasn’t comfortable with being touched, hugged and especially kissed as a child.

And even as an adult,...

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This is not 'that' time Apr 27, 2020

If, like me, your current lifestyle resembles a time where you weren’t doing so well,

It’s important to acknowledge that this is NOT that time.

There were a number of years of my life where I was unable to leave our family home

For a number of reasons, all associated with unsupported...

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Literal Solutions Apr 27, 2020

At least a hundred times per week, I used to call my husband at work, sobbing or raging down the phone.

“..and then they did this!”

“..and they also did that!”

“..and I can’t do this anymore! I just can’t live like this!”

He, being a rational man...

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April is Autism 'Awareness' month, and it hurts. Apr 27, 2020

April. Is. Hard.

(The following is expressed with gentleness and respect from an autistic person, and from one parent to another).

Part of my identity in this lifetime is that I’m a Mum.

I’m a mother of four daughters.

I’m not an ‘autism mom’ and my childrens’...

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When the pressure is off Apr 27, 2020

I’m sitting out on the balcony, really loving the breeze and the trees and the birds and I’ve been thinking about going home in four days.

How much I miss my little girls and my husband and my home.

This is the first time since I was eighteen years old that I’ve been able to get...

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My Mother didn't sleep for years Apr 08, 2020

This would have been 1979/80.

Mum bouncing me on her knee, you'll notice a familiar expression for many autistic bubbies on my face.

We're taking in so much information all of the time, all that sensory goodness and badness, along with voices, faces, all of it.

It's a lot and can leave us feeling...

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April is hard Apr 07, 2020

April. Is. Hard.

(The following is expressed with gentleness and respect from an autistic person, and from one parent to another).

Part of my identity in this lifetime is that I’m a Mum.

I’m a mother of four daughters.

I’m not an ‘autism mom’ and my childrens’...

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I am going home to do differently Mar 25, 2020

Good morning.

I’m sitting out on the balcony, really loving the breeze and the trees and the birds and I’ve been thinking about going home in four days.

How much I miss my little girls and my husband and my home.

This is the first time since I was eighteen years old that I’ve...

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I love you all Mar 20, 2020

Scrolling, reading, listening

Looking for loving energy

Kindness, gentleness, empathy and compassion

I am more present now, than ever

More aware of what energy I cultivate and put out into the universe right now

I’m looking for you, who like me is nervous but hopeful

I once spoke about the...

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This is not about our children Mar 19, 2020

Do you know how often families come to sit in consultation with me, with the intention of understanding their childrens' behaviour?

The number one focus is usually on our children, on how we can help them.

Guess what?

The consultations seldom end that way.

This isn't about our children.

This is...

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An opportunity to see ourselves Mar 18, 2020

My eldest daughter

My first child

She bore the brunt of my raw and heavy trauma

Reflected back to me

All the parts

Like a mirror

I was inaccessible

Locked away inside



I didn't know what I know now

Most of it I know because of her

Our relationship was disconnected

For a really...

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