Welcome to our Virtual Education Hub
Where you’ll find our prerecorded on-demand short and long courses, masterclasses, and other offerings to suit individuals, families & carers and professionals.

This was amazing. I wish everyone I know could see it. It made me realise where I've made mistakes (and I'll try hard not to ruminate on that, too much). More importantly, it showed me how I can do better. It broke my heart and spoke to my heart. Thank you so much for taking the time to create this resource.

I am forever grateful for all the understanding I have gained about the PDA brain from you, Kristy. It has been absolutely transformative for my family, my son and I are so well connected.

I'm 40 minutes in and right now, I'm just feeling very validated and heard. This is why I love learning from Kristy. It's hard to find someone who gets it and although we've never met I've learned so much about myself and my kids. Thank you. I listen to so many professionals but right here in just 40 minutes - our lives as a family is validated.
Empowering, practical downloadable resources for Families Just $10 Each!
Explore our newest collection of practical, easy-to-use downloadable guides designed to support families navigating PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance).
From sibling dynamics to advocacy scripts, each guide is packed with actionable tools and compassionate insights to help you make a difference—at home, in school, and beyond.
Get yours for just $10 per guide by clicking on the images below! 💡✨
New! Featured Masterclasses Now Available:

Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn: Understanding the threat response in demand avoidant children

Parenting demand avoidant children in isolation (For parents who are single, solo or going it alone