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My Dreaming Life anxiety autism behaviours resilience trauma Aug 13, 2021
*Trigger warning: Trauma nightmares, self-harm, police, psychiatric ward*
My dreaming life.
As I age, it becomes more intense; a beckoning for me to process what feels like insurmountable, unfathomable pain, buried away.
There are many parts to my story...
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My PDA neurobiology. adhd anxiety behaviours pathalogical demand avoidance pda radical acceptance Jul 29, 2021
I'm up at 5am this morning.
I have an appointment in the city and it's at a new address I haven't been to before.
This means that I get up early, google the address over coffee to check out some images of the building and its surroundings, places to park and how long it takes...
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Food, glorious food! anxiety parenting pathalogical demand avoidance pda Jun 04, 2021

Trigger Warning: Mentions food, eating disorders and sensory aversions.

Please note the below is my personal experience and I am not a qualified medical professional or dietician.


Food. Glorious food.

Let’s talk about it.


In our family, we’ve had a variety of...

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