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I never want to forget.

This is an image of me, deep in the trenches, around a decade ago.

My husband would message from work each day and ask how 'things' were.

Some days, I couldn't speak. I'd send pictures. This was...

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It never gets easier

It never gets easier, nor am I ever better prepared for the moments my autistic children (and I) are exposed to another parent’s grief stricken story about their autistic child.

I was...

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Stop looking away from intersectionality

Kristy Forbes
Stop looking away from intersectionality
(Warning: This written content includes discussion around themes of racism, transphobia, homophobia, suicidality.)
Almost every time I address the topic of...
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I’ll never ‘overcome’ my PDA neurobiology.

I’m often asked how, as a PDAer, I am able to overcome my need for control in parenting my own children with a PDA profile of autism.
I don’t overcome it.
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I remember every single name, every single humiliation.

At fifteen years old, I left school midway through Year Nine and went into the workforce.


I vehemently expressed that I would not return to school and with that, my mother said if I was not...

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My university days went like this.

I'm not an autistic researcher.
I am not a psychologist.
I take my hat off to my neurokin who are.
I am forever grateful to those who are engaged in research and...
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She is so much more.

I often touch on how important it is to move beyond the generic support framework for our autistic children in the classroom. This includes a timer, dot points on the board and visuals.
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We bring our children home.

We bring our children home
From failed systems
That have been enabled not to care
Not to care for our children
For us; when we were the children
We educate our children
And while trying...
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Where my grief came from.

autism parenting selfcare Jul 15, 2021
This morning as I was barefoot walking through the garden, connecting with the earth, I felt a deep sadness come over me.
My instinct was to push the sadness away and to think of...
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An invitation to lead with love.

Contrary to popular parenting advice, the time when our children return to the safety of our energy after being in trouble is not the time to lecture.
It is not the time to remind our...
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