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I never want to forget.

This is an image of me, deep in the trenches, around a decade ago.

My husband would message from work each day and ask how 'things' were.

Some days, I couldn't speak. I'd send pictures. This was...

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This is Me.

I no longer paint my nails.
I don't adorn myself with jewellery.
I take my time responding to messages and I seldom answer my phone. I have a message bank.
I say no to...
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School Trauma: Tuning into the language of behaviour.

For many of us, when we withdraw our children from school after prolonged challenges within that system, we expect that our children will begin to do better at home.
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Appearances can be (so very) deceiving.

I'm a PDA autistic (Pathological demand avoidance).
This means that my social connectedness; my ability to engage with others naturally and to make eye contact gives the impression that I...
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