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I never want to forget.

This is an image of me, deep in the trenches, around a decade ago.

My husband would message from work each day and ask how 'things' were.

Some days, I couldn't speak. I'd send pictures. This was...

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Yesterday, someone trolled me on social media.


Yesterday, someone trolled me on social media.

That in itself isn’t the thing. That happens to autistic folks who joyfully resist the disorder narrative all the time.

It’s threatening...

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I am not my trauma

neurodivergent trauma Sep 24, 2021
Yesterday, my youngest child came inside the house to tell me a bird had fallen from it’s nest.
As I neared the back fence, where all the neighbourhood birds gather in all of their...
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Failed relationships & neurodivergence

Ahh, the wonderful weekend. I hope you're having a brilliant one so far.

This week, for something different, the team and I decided we'd share a conversation with community from my Facebook page...

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My Dreaming Life

*Trigger warning: Trauma nightmares, self-harm, police, psychiatric ward*
My dreaming life.
As I age, it becomes more intense; a beckoning for me to process what...
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I remember every single name, every single humiliation.

At fifteen years old, I left school midway through Year Nine and went into the workforce.


I vehemently expressed that I would not return to school and with that, my mother said if I was not...

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