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Autism, Autistic, Neurodiversity, Neurodivergence - inTune Pathways







Yesterday, someone trolled me on social media.


Yesterday, someone trolled me on social media.

That in itself isn’t the thing. That happens to autistic folks who joyfully resist the disorder narrative all the time.

It’s threatening...

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Labels, labels, labels.

Trigger Warning: swearing, harsh words.
I hear families often speak about their fear in "labelling" their children autistic, ADHD, among other neurodivergences because they worry...
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Reclaiming the word "autistic."

A great beginning point when becoming a friend and ally to the autistic community is to use the term "autistic" rather than ASD.
I see the abbreviation ASD and my skin crawls.
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My disability is my most sacred ally.

So much of my anger, resentment and self-loathing as a young person came from the pressure I felt to mask.
Masking is both something I, as an autistic person partake in as a choice at...
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Awareness month? Nah, not over here.

This morning I'm reminded of an appointment with an obstetrician in the public system seven years ago.
I was heavily pregnant with my last baby.
He was going over my subsequent...
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Let's discuss: "Living with autism."

I'd like to encourage individuals, professionals seeking out education to be better allies, and families of neurodivergent individuals to be cautious when engaging with any information and...
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