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Autism, Autistic, Neurodiversity, Neurodivergence - inTune Pathways







I'd rather stab my eye than do this... (spoiler: it's group work)

I still cringe inside when remembering the moments I heard “Okay everyone, find a partner”, or “So we’re going to get into groups of three”...
Nah, not...
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I’ll never ‘overcome’ my PDA neurobiology.

I’m often asked how, as a PDAer, I am able to overcome my need for control in parenting my own children with a PDA profile of autism.
I don’t overcome it.
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My Dreaming Life

*Trigger warning: Trauma nightmares, self-harm, police, psychiatric ward*
My dreaming life.
As I age, it becomes more intense; a beckoning for me to process what...
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She is so much more.

I often touch on how important it is to move beyond the generic support framework for our autistic children in the classroom. This includes a timer, dot points on the board and visuals.
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My PDA neurobiology.

I'm up at 5am this morning.
I have an appointment in the city and it's at a new address I haven't been to before.
This means that I get up early, google the address over coffee...
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School Trauma: Tuning into the language of behaviour.

For many of us, when we withdraw our children from school after prolonged challenges within that system, we expect that our children will begin to do better at home.
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Appearances can be (so very) deceiving.

I'm a PDA autistic (Pathological demand avoidance).
This means that my social connectedness; my ability to engage with others naturally and to make eye contact gives the impression that I...
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How I show up in friendships.

Hi! 👋 I'm Kristy, and I'm TERRIBLE at being a friend in the neuronormative sense.
I take months to respond to messages in my inbox, if ever.
Sometimes I say things that come...
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Sensory overload and a social hangover.

Sitting here reminiscing about the good ole masking in social situations; days of extreme and intense anxiety for weeks, months leading up to events with other people.
The day would...
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I'm not looking at you.

I can’t tell you how concerning it is that we have such an incredibly uninformed requirement for autistic people to make eye contact.
When we understand autism as an identity and...
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