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It never gets easier autism autistic boundaries children mental health parenting Sep 27, 2023

It never gets easier, nor am I ever better prepared for the moments my autistic children (and I) are exposed to another parent’s grief stricken story about their autistic child.

I was conditioned to believe that the first of my children to be identified autistic had 'disappeared' and there...

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Yesterday, someone trolled me on social media. autism autistic boundaries language pda trauma Aug 02, 2023

Yesterday, someone trolled me on social media.

That in itself isn’t the thing. That happens to autistic folks who joyfully resist the disorder narrative all the time.

It’s threatening to some, to read my writings or hear me speak about my autistic pride.

I was speaking about how so...

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What happens when you say "No." autism boundaries neurodivergent Oct 07, 2021
Do you know that you can say No?
So many of us don’t.
We’ve been conditioned to understand that No means others will talk behind our backs about our selfishness or coldness.
We know it will often mean others will say things about us and think things about...
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Failed relationships & neurodivergence autism boundaries commuincation dating friendship masking neurodivergent socialising trauma Sep 11, 2021

Ahh, the wonderful weekend. I hope you're having a brilliant one so far.

This week, for something different, the team and I decided we'd share a conversation with community from my Facebook page this past week.

We touched on the challenging and raw topic of failed relationships and...

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This is Me. autism boundaries communication identity legacy neurodivergent Aug 13, 2021
I no longer paint my nails.
I don't adorn myself with jewellery.
I take my time responding to messages and I seldom answer my phone. I have a message bank.
I say no to social invitations when I mean no.
I cut all of my long, dark hair off after years of...
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This is a difficult time. Let's acknowledge that. autism boundaries neurodivergent radical acceptance Apr 08, 2021
Immerse yourself in communities, places and with people who feel right for you.
A group or page isn't necessarily safe or right because someone else says so.
You get to choose.
Last night I jumped on to have a look around at what some of my neurokin were writing and sharing,...
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