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School trauma is real Aug 26, 2022

I was so excited for my son to start big school. He loved kindergarten, although he was slow to
start in the mornings. We often dropped him off late, but the kinder teachers did not mind. He
found his groove after a few months because the play and interest-based learning suited him
perfectly. I...

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Kristy Forbes - inTune Pathways
The Facade of 'Hope".
The Facade of 'Hope". Jul 21, 2022

TW: Suicidality, depression, anxiety, eating disorders
Many families are encouraged to cling to the narrative that there is “hope” for their autistic child.

Normally it’s related to the success, or everyday functioning of the child being closer to neuronormativity than...

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This is not about our children Jun 20, 2022

I'm a person. I'm just like everyone else and I don't have all the answers for every situation for every family.

What I might implement in my home with my family might be detrimental to yours and really unhelpful.

What's most important to me is encouraging and supporting families to tap into the...

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We're diagnosing autistic folks, then pretending they're not autistic. Jun 04, 2022

I have families emailing me often, to share with me about how brilliant their autistic child is, including their adult autistic child. They share about how their child works, studies, is an artist or a musician or enjoys volunteering, among other things.

But then, there is typically the follow up...

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I activated their threat response Jun 01, 2022

Yesterday, we had someone come to our home to carry out an appraisal on the house (valuing the home).

When I got out of bed, the house was absolutely trashed. Our home is pretty much always messy first thing in the morning, due to the sheer exhaustion we adults feel the night before.

We let the...

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When 'healing' from trauma is the new self imposed pressure May 15, 2022

Sometimes I think we need to take stock of the ways in which we place undue pressure onto ourselves around who we are.

So many of us in the neurodivergent community are in the process of 'healing'. Healing from trauma, healing from intergenerational unidentified neurodivergence and the strain...

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I rise between 4-6am. Apr 25, 2022
Every morning, I rise from my slumber anywhere between 4-6 am.
I know this isn’t a commonly shared experience, my love for the dawn.
Growing up in a sole parent family, my parent, having worked as a wool classer for many years, was always up around the same...
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My children won't get the same Mother Apr 16, 2022

In our home, we have an open and ongoing dialogue around equity, equality and how this might look within our family.

We teach our children through examples and conversations about broader societal inequities they’re able to grasp, and appreciate that equity is not the same as equality.


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Celebrating when clients move on Apr 10, 2022

Around six months ago, an email was forwarded to me by our company manager from a client, letting me know that after just over a year with me, they were moving on.

I felt a pang of panic, and a touch of sadness that I’d no longer be connecting with this wonderful woman. A mother of autistic...

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Healing the child behind the parent Apr 08, 2022

This morning in therapy I took a deep dive, head first into some pretty challenging work on myself.

As many will know, I’m transparent in the ways in which I share particular aspects of my life.

Currently, my husband and I are in the process of marital separation. It’s a decision we...

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Raising ourselves and our children in neurodivergent culture Feb 04, 2022
Autistic family culture; neurodivergent family culture is whatever works for you in alignment with your neurobiology collectively as a unit.
Sounds impossible sometimes, right? Feels impossible when our needs, our sensory profiles, our neurotypes may be conflicting. So we take it one...
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Kristy Forbes - inTune Pathways
Awareness is not a cure for disability: PDA
Awareness is not a cure for disability: PDA Jan 06, 2022

I woke up this morning with ‘that’ feeling. The one where I’m already anxious before my eyes open and my brain boots up.

My feet are rubbing together furiously and I’m rocking on my side, my organic autistic movement for regulation. My body is wise and knows what to do.


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