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Dealing with my Sensory Sensitivities Nov 25, 2020

"I love you. And I love you. I love you all. It's not anyone's fault that Mummy is upset. It's because I'm autistic, and I've had to touch kiwi fruit and mandarines and the juice has got on my skin and now I'm really upset and my whole brain and body feels really yucky and tense and I can't think...

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Important Factors to Consider when having Discussions about our Children Nov 23, 2020

Important factors to consider when writing, speaking about or having discussions about our children; whether it be in an email to an educator, a conversation with a medical professional, a chat with a family member, or sharing on social media.

1. Does my loyalty lie with my child? Am I being an...

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Our Children will Show us all we Need to Know Nov 20, 2020

When the first of my children was identified autistic, I thought my life as I knew it had ended.

It had.

The message that I needed to grieve the loss of a child I would not have was constantly and consistently pushed onto me; including being told if I didn't allow myself to grieve, I should expect...

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It's Time to Take a Different Approach in our Classrooms Nov 18, 2020
 In my teaching days, I received one professional development session on teaching autistic students in my classes.

It involved learning about the importance of reward systems (at Secondary level), using lists and visuals, repeating instructions over and over to the autistic student...
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Longing for the Place where we Belong Nov 12, 2020

When I was a small child, my most favourite place to be was my Grandparents’ home.

It was a huge house, built on a property surrounded by thousands and thousands of acreage - trees, dirt, animals, water, fruit trees, and miles and miles of quiet.

I would roam, freely. I was never bored and...

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I am Autistic with a capital A. Nov 11, 2020

I am Autistic with a capital A.

I prefer Identity First language.

1. “I am Autistic” is a reclamation of identity, taking back what is mine. I stand proudly Autistic and I reject attempts made to stigmatise and stereotype who I am.

2. Autism is as much a part of my heritage and ancestry...

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Who do you Draw Courage From? Nov 09, 2020

Who do you draw courage from?

I draw courage from those who are willing to be radically themselves. The people who I know behind the scenes are getting their arse kicked; both to their face and behind their back.

Behind the closed doors of my community are autistic advocates, PDAers, ADHDers, of...

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Learning to Parent from my Heart Space Nov 06, 2020

I have to make a daily, often moment by moment conscious decision to drop from my head space down into my heart space when it comes to parenting my girls.

For far too long, I was riddled with self doubt, seeking answers outside of myself.

Always wondering what others would do. Do they intuitively...

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We are all Learning. Always. Nov 04, 2020

It's important we tell our children the truth.

When an adult stands over a child, tells them "I make the rules", attempts to intimidate them or yells,

It's the adult who is out of control and not the child.

We are human. We all have human moments.

We yell, we stand over, we do many things in the spur...

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Trusting Your Intuition Oct 30, 2020


In the name of honesty and transparency, I'm going to tell you a story.

Within the last two years I've noticed changes with not only my vision but my eyes.

I noticed that they were often bloodshot or itchy, sore or watery.

Some mornings I'd wake with swelling around my eyes and they were...

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Today, I lean into the Joy of what my Life has Become Oct 28, 2020

I'm always so moved by how beautifully supportive this community is.

Today is a new day.

The sun is up, the air is fresh and with that, comes new thinking and doing.

I am so privileged to be trusted so much by my community that I have the honour of holding space for those families who want to...

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I want Freedom. Autistic, Neurodivergent and Divergent Freedom. Oct 26, 2020

When supporting families to find calm and peace in their life together collectively, Neurodivergence is profoundly important to understand and recognise.

In our extraordinary families, we balance significant support needs; up and down and in and out we go, a constant process of give and take.


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