I'd like to encourage individuals, professionals seeking out education to be better allies, and families of neurodivergent individuals to be cautious when engaging with any information and...
I once went against my better judgement out of curiosity (it's ALWAYS that autistic curiosity and fascination with humans, concepts and belief systems) and sat in...
Many parents and educators will often witness behaviour from neurodivergent people and find it baffling or confusing because they’re unable to connect it to a particular and recent event.
Why do so many children with a PDA autistic profile take on the character of a villain, a bad guy or a monster, werewolf, zombie, anything that seems a disapproved of figure?
The holiday season isn't only difficult for ND families due to get togethers, the pressures of complying with "special" days, sensory bombardment, rejection due to behaviour and unsolicited advice,...