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We must Love and Forgive Ourselves in order to make Amends to our Children Sep 18, 2020

So many of us believe we’re not worthy of forgiveness.

We struggle to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we’ve made with our children;

The moments we lost control,

The awful things we blurted out.

My eldest was born when I was 18.

I was an 18 year old troubled, homeless teen with a history...

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As a Neurodivergent, I Live, Love, Process and Experience Life from my Body Sep 14, 2020

As a neurodivergent, I live, love, process and experience life from my body.

My native tongue is energy - how a person feels, how an environment feels.

My antennae are my sensory systems and they way they process, always taking in sights, sounds, smells, feels, tastes, and most importantly how...

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This is Autistic Burnout Sep 11, 2020

When you're autistic and you're not okay, you're really not okay.

Sometimes, everything feels bloody hard.

Setting boundaries, carefully sifting through language in order to avoid hurting others in your expression of boundaries, having your character questioned, and then,

We turn on ourselves.


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Autism is my Identity and my Culture Sep 07, 2020

What I want you to know first and foremost is that I am autistic.

I am an autistic person married to another autistic person, and we have created four perfectly whole autistic children.

We are not broken versions of non autistic people.

We are not second rate human beings.

We are autistic people.


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What is it to Pathologise a Human Being? Sep 02, 2020

What is it to pathologise a human being?

To describe or understand all of their behaviour, their emotions, their wants and needs, their very being as symptoms of disorder.

Many parents will ask questions such as:

"How do I keep my child calm and stop them from melting down?"

And often, at the centre...

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Youโ€™re Already Living with Purpose Sep 02, 2020

Every day I see memes flow over my socials that place unnecessary pressure on many people who are divergent.
I know it’s meant to be positive.
Yep, purpose is great.
But what **IS** purpose?!
Is it what you do with your time?
Is it how much money you make?
Is it who you are?
You know what I...

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I am an Autistic Person. Just Like You. Aug 31, 2020


I often come in to write this same message, for the followers and commenters who are new to the page.

I am always grateful for the wonderful comments left for me after my written pieces and my video content. It's what keeps me going, to know that my content is helping others.

You will,...

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Breaking Down the Communication Barrier Aug 26, 2020

"Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships, ranging, for example, from difficulties adjusting behaviour to suit various social contexts; to difficulties in sharing imaginative play or in making friends; to absence of interest in peers."

Autism diagnostic criteria;

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"But everyone does that!" - Learning to Identify the Divergence within Ourselves Aug 25, 2020
Autistic people aren't only building bridges for non autistic people to understand us, and to learn to communicate with us. We're also building bridges in order to remain connected with people we love, and to build resilience around the challenge associated with those same people that we love...
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What is Neurodivergent Sibling Life? Aug 19, 2020
What is neurodivergent sibling life?
It's one ND child struggling with the sensory dysregulation triggered by their new baby sibling. It's one ND child experiencing anxiety around the triggering of sensory regulation and needing incredible space away from the other sibling. It's having...
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The Unexpected Pressures of Lockdown 2.0 Aug 18, 2020
As an autistic person with a PDA profile, I totally underestimated the impact the demand pressure of phone calls from schools reminding us of "submission day" would have. It isn't my children who are struggling to manage the huge task that is remote learning, it is me. And my response is 100%...
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Let's Talk About Autistic Levels Aug 12, 2020
Can we talk about autistic 'levels'?
They don't indicate level of autistic. There is no "more or less" autistic. They are support levels, indicating the amount of support a person requires. They are also extremely problematic as they are assigned during a snapshot of an autistic...
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